Tips for Striking the Work-Life Balance

Have you been experiencing an increased sense of cynicism, emotional exhaustion, and fatigue in yourself? You could be on the verge an impending burnout. Burnout is a form of physical and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. In several instances, burnout is linked to one’s employment. Statistics show that burnout is rising – 52% of all employees experience it. This demonstrates is a 9% increase from the pre-COVID times.

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Burnout is not limited to your emotional, physical, and mental health. It can affect your work and social and personal relationships. Workout is always going to be stressful but that does not mean you compromise your health. The key to avoiding burnout is striking the perfect work-life balance. Here are a few tips for balancing your work and personal life better.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is imperative to establishing a work-life balance. Keeping a work-life balance will allow you to grow in both aspects of your life. Have a conversation with your boss or manager about work expectations.

If you keep answering work calls through the weekend, staying late in the office, and responding to emails and meeting calls post-work, your colleagues and boss will keep expecting it from you. Define your boundaries and let people know you are not always available.

Learning to Say No

Whether it is to impress the boss or to lend favors to a colleague, taking on more than one can handle never works. It is important to know when to refuse a project or additional responsibility you cannot take on. Learn to communicate your troubles effectively.

If your boss is giving you additional responsibility and will not take no for an answer, let him know everything that is on your plate. Ask him to help you deprioritize tasks to fit in the additional responsibility he is handing you. This way, you will either get out of doing an extra project or find a way to do the rest of the work later.

Prioritizing Tasks


Self-care is not an indulgence, it is necessary for your mental peace. Take a healthy diet and exercise regularly as physical fitness can help manage stress. Furthermore, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Every day, try to take out time for a self-care activity that will help you feel better about the day. It could be reading a book, going for a walk, getting a massage, or anything that pleases you. It will help brighten up a dull day in some capacity.

Increasing Productivity

One of the reasons why you are constantly stressed and swamped with work is you are bad at managing the workload. Try to optimize your productivity by scheduling your day, reducing time on electronic gadgets, and stopping yourself from procrastinating and wasting time. If you are productive throughout the day and can get work done on time, you will have time for self-care.

Asking For Help

If your mental health is not in good shape, get professional help. It is considered a taboo topic for its societal implications however there is nothing shameful in seeking professional help to manage stress and deal with burnout. Let the people around you, your loved ones, and your friends know, how you feel so they can help you get through the rough times.

Establishing a No Shop Talk Policy  

Some people go to sleep, stressed about important work projects, and their conversations at home are inundated with work talk. A no-shoptalk policy could help you stay present and leave the work behind. This does not mean not sharing your troubles if you need to talk about them. It just means, you should try focusing on the present rather than worrying about what is to come.  

On a Concluding Note

Figuring out a good work-life balance is a process. It will not happen overnight. Take your time and be patient with this process. Start by incorporating some of these tips in your personal and professional life and be consistent with the changes. You will surely succeed.

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